Certified Organic Assam Tea is a full bodied and brisk tea with tremendous flavor - all the characteristics that make this 2nd flush Assam a great tea.
Medium Caffeine Level / High Antioxidant Level
50g (or) 100g - Select size on drop down list
Organic tea is produced without the input of chemical fertilizers or pesticides and herbicides. Unfortunately the yield per acre is lower and quite often quality can suffer compared to when fertilizers and others inputs are utilized. Nevertheless with good manufacturing techniques the cup characteristics can be maintained at a very high level - such is the case with this tea. This tea is a classic top quality Assam, very full bodied and tending ‘juicy’. Quite often milk is used to tone down the strength of the tea since milk gives the tea a smoothness that is very pleasant and highlights the malty notes.
Organic Assam Estate Tea - Creston BC / Tigz TEA HUT Experience
- Product Code: TTH-OrgAssam
- Availability: 8
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Tags: organic assam, black tea, creston bc, tea in creston, tigz tea hut, tea gift baskets